“When Fate Takes Away His Ears, This Rescue Cat Discovers a Home Among Other Feline Friends with Special Needs”

Purrfect Pals Cat Sanctuary, located in Arlington, Washington, is a haven for all cats, regardless of their physical or behavioral condition. Unlike other shelters that put down “unadoptable” cats, Purrfect Pals operates as a no-kill sanctuary, providing a warm and cozy home for cats who are either old, sick, or unsociable, until they find their forever homes.
One such lucky cat is Pika, who was discovered last year as a stray, living in the wilds under a shed. Pika was in dire need of medical attention, so the family who found him took him to a vet for treatment, hoping to make him a part of their family. Pika had suffered from a skin issue that led to the loss of his ears, but he retained his hearing ability. However, it soon became apparent that Pika was terrified of the family’s dogs, and they realized that their home wasn’t the right fit for him. They chose to take him to Purrfect Pals, where they knew he’d have a better chance at finding the perfect family for him.

Pika’s endearing and loving personality quickly captured the hearts of volunteers and staff at the shelter despite his lack of ears, which may have made him appear imperfect to some. Fortunately, Jane, a compassionate volunteer with a soft spot for cats requiring additional medical attention, came across Pika at the shelter. Jane had previously adopted several special-needs cats from the Purrfect Pals, such as Lefty, who is partially blind, Freckles, who suffers from stomatitis, and Chrissy Lee, who has corneal herpes. Jane had learned about Pika from other volunteers and was already eager to provide him with a home when she finally met him.

After welcoming Pika into her home, Jane noticed that he seemed a bit hesitant to adjust to his new surroundings. In fact, she even had concerns about whether he would be able to fit in with the other cats in her household. To help ease his transition, she implemented an integration system that involved using gates and gated rooms. While Pika seemed content in his designated area, loud noises appeared to scare him. It’s unclear if this was due to his unique hearing abilities or simply because he was still getting used to no longer being a stray.

For a period of more than seven days, he was satisfied staying inside that particular room. However, one day he showed interest in following me out. I gave him the permission to do so and he did it on his own terms. Compared to other pets I have integrated with before, he was less challenging. Once outside, he became very lively and seemed to enjoy carrying a soft cat toy around with him.

It’s taking Pika a while to adjust to his new family, but Jane has noticed that the other cats are showing interest in their new addition. While Pika doesn’t seem to mind unless they bother him, he seems to prefer the company of their mostly blind and harmless cat, Lefty. The other cats have been seen sleeping near Pika, although he doesn’t initiate it. Despite the risks involved in adopting a new cat, Jane believes that Pika deserved a loving home with people who would take care of him. With the help of their wonderful vets, they will make sure that Pika has the best life possible.

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