Title: The Heartbreaking Tale of a Dog’s Fight for Survival

At first, the little pooch was frightened by the sight of humans. Nevertheless, over time, he began to gain more courage and become less afraid. Despite having spent some time on his own, he appeared to be doing well physically. Unfortunately, he was feeling quite down and unhappy about his situation.

Life can be tough for stray dogs, and unfortunately, some heartless individuals make it even harder by leaving them in dire situations. One such incident was recently shared by Animal House New, a shelter that received a distress call from concerned locals. They found an abandoned puppy in an empty house nearby, unable to escape on its own.

The most cruel and unforgivable deed that occurred was leaving the innocent puppy to fend for itself, with no sustenance or hydration, while also being forcibly bound to one of the doors of the residence.

Upon arrival of the Animal House News crew, it was observed that the canine was unaccompanied. The puppy seemed worn out, sad, and notably famished.

The rescuers made an effort to befriend the frightened dog, who was initially unresponsive. Despite offering some food and drink, the dog refused to eat. Through the use of specialized equipment, they successfully freed him from the thick shackles that bound his neck.

Afterward, they put the little pup inside a pickup truck and transported him to see a veterinarian for a check-up. Fortunately, despite all the challenges he faced, the puppy seemed to be in decent shape. However, the only thing that seemed to burden him was an overwhelming feeling of neglect.

As per the animal shelter, they have been looking after him with all their heart and soul. They have been taking care of his every need, and thankfully, he has been getting better with each passing day. The good news is that Spike can now run and play like a normal dog, which was not possible before.