Title: “Heartwarming Loyalty: A Dog’s 10-Day Vigil by its Owner’s Grave”

For six years, a faithful German shepherd named Capitan has been vigilantly guarding his beloved owner’s grave. Despite the passing of his owner, Miguel Guzman, Capitan has remained steadfast in his loyalty and devotion. There are speculations that Capitan ran away after his master’s death in 2006. The Guzman family later discovered the dog near Miguel’s resting place in central Argentina, where he has been keeping watch ever since.

Back in 2005, Capitan came into Miguel Guzman’s family as a gift for his son, Damian. The loyal dog has been guarding Miguel’s resting place for more than six years now. The family revealed that Capitan hardly ever ventures away from the premises. One day, when the canine went missing, they looked everywhere but couldn’t find him. They thought he might have died in a car accident. Veronica Guzman, Miguel’s wife, recounted this tale to LaVoz.com.

On the next Sunday, we went back to the cemetery and Damian spotted his dear pet in no time. Capitan rushed towards us while yapping and whining. Veronica, surprised, mentioned that they had never taken Capitan to the cemetery before, which made the situation even more mysterious. She couldn’t help but wonder how Capitan managed to find his way to the cemetery.

According to Hector Baccega, the caretaker of the cemetery, he and his team have taken it upon themselves to care for Capitan. This loyal dog has been visiting his owner’s tomb since he came to the cemetery on his own. Capitan roams around during the day but returns to the grave to sleep every night at six o’clock.