“The Special Connection of Two Blind Feline Friends: Relying on Each Other for Everything”

A remarkable connection exists between two cats who are visually impaired, as they depend on each other for everything.

best friends blind cats

In Brisbane, Australia, a veterinary clinic recently rescued two adorable kittens who were in dire need of help. These furry felines were blind, covered in fleas, and suffering from stomach problems. Fortunately, Best Friends Felines, a cat rescue organization, took them under their wing without hesitation. According to Nikki of Best Friends Felines, the orange kitten has “no eyeballs,” while the other kitten has “tiny malformed eyeballs.” Despite their disabilities, these sisters won the hearts of volunteers with their friendly personalities and impressive navigation skills.

bonded blind kittens

When they arrived at the vet clinic, these adorable kittens were in desperate need of some assistance. Thankfully, Best Friends Felines came to their rescue. Kerry, their foster mom, created an enclosure where the pair could gradually explore their new surroundings. However, to her amazement, Pearl and Miley quickly adapted and soon had the entire kitten room to themselves. They are both energetic, affectionate and playful kittens who never miss a litter tray and enjoy nothing more than a good cuddle. Their carers have lovingly named them Pearl, a beautiful colorpoint kitten, and Miley, a charming ginger kitty with a permanent smile on her face.

smiley blind kitten cat

Miley has a happy face as she spends time with her feline best friends. Kerry expressed her amazement towards the kittens, stating that they are capable of doing anything. The kittens have exemplary litter habits and can easily locate their food and water. They play like regular kittens and are even considered little thrill-seekers. The kittens have explored every corner of the room, knowing precisely where everything is located.

blind kittens cat tree

The feline friends of the Best Friends Felines organization are truly amazing. Even though Pearl and Miley are unable to see, they are always full of spunk and curiosity. It’s adorable to see how proud they look when they sit atop the cat tree, even more so because they seem to know they did something great. It’s clear that these two kitties won’t let anything hold them back!

blind cats best friends

The duo from Best Friends Felines are inseparable and do everything together. Despite being blind, they seem to navigate the room with ease, which is quite surprising. Kerry, who is taking care of them, mentioned that observing them playing and interacting with one another always puts a smile on her face. One thing that caught her attention during the first week of foster care was the special bond between the two girls.

blind kittens holding paws

The two feline sisters love to snuggle up close to each other and even hold paws. They are inseparable and constantly in each other’s company, often found touching or cuddling together. The bond between them is so strong that when one of them wanders a little too far, the other one frets about it. Their attachment was evident during their visit to the vet as they arrived in one carrier. When one sister was taken out for examination, the other one became anxious and frantic, trying to break out to be with her sister. It was clear that both sisters were concerned about each other’s well-being and wanted to be close together.

blind kittens bonded

The organization, Best Friends Felines, had a heart-warming experience when they brought in two kittens named Pearl and Miley. The moment the kittens were placed together, they sat still for their examination, which solidified the belief that these two needed to stay together. Kerry, who has been fostering cats for over 15 years, has never seen such a strong bond between two cats. The kittens rely on each other, and it’s clear that separating them would not be an option.

blind kittens playing

After overcoming their health problems, the adorable felines from Best Friends Felines are now eager to explore the rest of the house. The kitten room door is now open during the day, allowing them to roam free and venture outside of their designated area. Although they haven’t gone too far just yet, their natural curiosity is driving them to discover new places and things. Stay tuned for more updates on their exciting adventures!

miley the blind kitten

My feline companions are totally smitten with their cardboard scratching toy and feather wands that come equipped with tinkling bells. The way they catch the wand is nothing short of extraordinary, leaving us humans utterly impressed every time.

pearl the blind kitten

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