The Remarkable Tale of a Street Cat’s Journey from Injured to Healthy and Happy

When Pippin was only four weeks old, he was found wandering on the streets with a missing left hind leg. Luka, his kind rescuer, brought him to the RSPCA shelter in Londsale, South Australia for immediate medical attention. However, Pippin’s condition demanded an extensive and expensive surgery.


Upon arriving at the shelter, Pippin’s injured leg caught the attention of volunteers who noticed that his bone was exposed. Although they wanted to save him and give him a chance to lead a normal life, an amputation was necessary. Unfortunately, Pippin was severely undernourished and weighed only 340 grams, making it impossible to proceed with the operation right away. The shelter had to raise sufficient funds before they could proceed with the surgery.

For a brief period, Pippin was looked after by a foster family and closely monitored to ensure his recovery from his wound. The caretakers had to assist him with eating and gaining weight while also ensuring his injury did not worsen. Meanwhile, the shelter requested donations from the public to fund the required surgery. The Australians showed their kindness by contributing approximately 1000 euros towards the cause.

A Successful Procedure
Once Pippin was old enough, he underwent a surgery that went smoothly, and he was ready for adoption. The volunteers got in touch with Luka first since he was the one who had found and rescued the kitten. It had been 12 weeks since the rescue, and Luka was eager to see his little friend again. When asked if he wanted to adopt him, Luka agreed since he had become attached to the kitten. Although he wasn’t actively looking for a pet, he was thrilled to welcome Pippin into his home. According to Luka, “The RSPCA reached out to me regarding the adoption, and while I wasn’t necessarily seeking a kitten, I was overjoyed to have him come live with me.”

Ever since Pippin found his new home, he has effortlessly adapted to his surroundings and is thriving despite having only 3 legs. His unique condition doesn’t bother him as he exudes energy and enjoys playing. Additionally, he is a loving and cuddly companion.

Luka extends his heartfelt appreciation to the association and donors who generously contributed towards transforming not only Pippin’s life but also his own.