“The Heartwarming Tale of a Cow Raised by Dogs into Believing He was One of Them”

Chuyện chú bò mồ côi được gia đình nhà chó nhận nuôi từ bé, sống riết quen rồi cũng tự nghĩ mình là chó luôn - Ảnh 1.

Chuyện chú bò mồ côi được gia đình nhà chó nhận nuôi từ bé, sống riết quen rồi cũng tự nghĩ mình là chó luôn - Ảnh 1.

The cows on our farm share meals, nap time and even enjoy some playtime with our furry friends – the family dogs. It’s quite heartwarming to see them raised side by side with their canine companions.

Chuyện chú bò mồ côi được gia đình nhà chó nhận nuôi từ bé, sống riết quen rồi cũng tự nghĩ mình là chó luôn - Ảnh 2.

Meet Buddy, the adorable cow who found a loving home with Coral and Wayne Algie when he was only one day old. Growing up, Buddy was raised alongside the Algies’ dogs and started to identify as a dog himself. Whenever he got excited, Buddy would wag his tail just like his furry companions. Sadly, Buddy’s mother passed away after becoming trapped in a dam near the Algie’s farm in New South Wales, Australia. Nonetheless, Buddy has found a new family and a place to call home with his canine siblings.

Chuyện chú bò mồ côi được gia đình nhà chó nhận nuôi từ bé, sống riết quen rồi cũng tự nghĩ mình là chó luôn - Ảnh 3.

When the mother dog Bada had delivered a litter of 11 puppies, the couple also decided to bring Buddy in with their dogs. At present, Buddy is six weeks old and exhibits many canine behaviors like playing catch with its littermates, wagging its tail, and snuggling up together while sleeping.

Chuyện chú bò mồ côi được gia đình nhà chó nhận nuôi từ bé, sống riết quen rồi cũng tự nghĩ mình là chó luôn - Ảnh 4.

Coral revealed that Buddy was treated like their 12th puppy by Bada, and even the cow itself had no idea it wasn’t a dog. To them, Buddy seemed more like a canine than a bovine. The orphaned calf enjoyed playing with both humans and other dogs on the farm, and Bada’s loving care made Buddy an inseparable companion. Wayne and Coral stumbled upon Buddy as they were trying to rescue his mother from a nearby dam. Unfortunately, the cow was too exhausted to survive after escaping. Once adopted by the couple, Buddy quickly adapted to life on the farm, making friends with the family’s children, Bella and Lawson. Despite its dog-like behavior, Buddy’s size and dietary needs are unmistakably those of a cow. The couple affectionately referred to Buddy as their pet and welcomed the oversized animal to sleep on their porch. Buddy consumes approximately 10.5 liters of fresh milk daily and may reach up to 600 kg in weight when fully grown.