“The Curious Cat’s Close Call: How Hairbands and Strings Almost Cost It Nine Lives”

If you’re a cat owner, you’ll be familiar with the fact that our furry friends are often more interested in playing with everyday objects like hair ties and bits of string than with the expensive toys we buy for them. However, it’s essential to monitor the items your cat chooses to play with. Take the story of Waffles as an example. This five-year-old tabby almost lost his life after ingesting multiple hair elastics and lengths of string, which tangled together to form a dangerous blockage in his stomach. So, keep a watchful eye on what your cat is playing with to avoid any potential health risks.

Waffles the cat, who nearly died after eating so many hairbands and bits of string he developed a tangled mass in his stomach

For months, Waffles the indoor cat had been secretly snacking on hairbands and strings from his toys. Concerned about his strange behavior, his owners Ryan Gallacher, 27, and Danielle Carlin, 26, took him to the vet. The couple was devastated when the vet suspected that Waffles might have cancer. However, during the surgery, it was discovered that the mass in Waffle’s stomach was actually a collection of hairbands, strings from cat toys, and yarn from his scratching post.

massive tangle of hairbands and string removed from cat waffles' stomach in life-saving surgery

After undergoing surgery to remove a mass of hairbands and yarn from his stomach, Waffles the cat was sent home with a lampshade and instructions not to jump around. However, his owners noticed swelling around the stitches and returned to the vet, only to find that the wound had opened up, with Waffles’ intestines exposed. The cat required emergency treatment to save his life. Despite not having pet insurance, Waffles’ owners were determined to do whatever it took to help their beloved feline recover.

A naughty cat nearly died after sneakily chewing hair elastics and pieces of string from toys which formed a huge mass in its stomach - and needed life-saving surgery. See SWNS story SWSCcat. A naughty cat nearly died after sneakily chewing hair elastics and pieces of string from toys which formed a huge mass in its stomach - and needed life-saving surgery. Waffles, a five year old tabby, lives a sheltered life as an indoor cat and his doting owners provided him with scratching posts and pet toys to keep him occupied. But Waffles, who lives with his brother Kevin Bacon, began seeming out of sorts, and was taken to the vets by owners Ryan Gallacher, 27, and Danielle Carlin, 26. The couple were heartbroken when the vet suspected their moggie might have cancer - an operation revealed a large mass in Waffles' tummy was actually hair elastics, string from cat toys, and yarn from his scratching post.

The mischievous cat’s tendency to play with hairbands ended up causing a huge financial strain on his owners, as they had to spend nearly £5,000 on his medical bills. The couple was completely unaware of this issue, which had been going on for several months. Upon examination, the vet was shocked to see Waffles’ fascination with hairbands, describing it as a never-before-seen occurrence. Waffles, who had always been a sickly cat, would often eat excessively and vomit, making the couple assume it was due to overeating. However, during a routine checkup, the vet discovered a mass in his stomach and suspected cancer, requiring immediate surgery. Unfortunately, after the operation, the naughty cat managed to reopen his wound, which resulted in his intestines falling out.

A naughty cat nearly died after sneakily chewing hair elastics and pieces of string from toys which formed a huge mass in its stomach - and needed life-saving surgery. See SWNS story SWSCcat. A naughty cat nearly died after sneakily chewing hair elastics and pieces of string from toys which formed a huge mass in its stomach - and needed life-saving surgery. Waffles, a five year old tabby, lives a sheltered life as an indoor cat and his doting owners provided him with scratching posts and pet toys to keep him occupied. But Waffles, who lives with his brother Kevin Bacon, began seeming out of sorts, and was taken to the vets by owners Ryan Gallacher, 27, and Danielle Carlin, 26. The couple were heartbroken when the vet suspected their moggie might have cancer - an operation revealed a large mass in Waffles' tummy was actually hair elastics, string from cat toys, and yarn from his scratching post.

Waffles, the couple’s pet cat, has developed an expensive habit of eating hairbands, which has cost them £5,000 in vet bills. Despite taking him to the vet, it was not until the second operation that they discovered the cause of his illness. Waffles had been eating hairbands and bits from cat toys. To prevent him from scratching at his wound, he was given a onesie. The couple had initially thought they got a bargain when they bought Waffles for £40, but he has proved to be more expensive than anything they have ever purchased before.

Waffles the cat wearing his onesie after life-saving surgery

Waffles had to wear a onesie and stay in a cage for three weeks after his second surgery to prevent his wound from reopening. However, he has now fully recovered and is happily playing with his brother Kevin again. The only rule is that they can no longer have any dangly cat toys in their home in Clydebank, West Dunbartonshire.

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