“Slumber Buddies: The Heartwarming Friendship Between Two Dogs After a New Puppy Joins the Pack”

Do you remember the lovable trio consisting of Harlow, Indiana, and Reese, the furry friends we talked about in our article last year?

It’s about time we checked in on our furry friends to see how they’re doing. As evidenced by these pictures, it looks like they’re thriving!

In 2013, Harlow, a Weimaraner, became the proud adoptive parent of Indiana, a brown Dachsund. This happened after Harlow’s friend Sage had passed away. A year after bringing Indiana home, the two decided to expand their family by adopting Reese, another Dachsund. The trio has been inseparable ever since.

Harlow and Indiana were already quite famous online, but with the addition of Reese, their popularity has skyrocketed. The trio now boasts a million followers on Instagram and over 250,000 on Facebook. They have even published their own book on Amazon! It’s easy to see why they’re so well-liked – just take a look at them!