“Rescue Mission: Mama Dog’s Plea to Save Her 16 Adorable Pups”

Dolly is an admirable canine who went above and beyond to care for puppies that weren’t her own, even though they were from different litters. Mitzi Brogdon, the head of Street Dog Rescue Recovery, came across Dolly on the side of the road, signaling for assistance with a desperate expression.

He had a strong desire to help her, so he parked nearby and went over to the dog that he lovingly called Dolly. As per Mitzi’s account, Dolly immediately ran to him seeking affection. But he soon realized that she needed more than just cuddles. “She started walking towards the cell tower, and I followed along. That’s when I spotted a bunch of puppies coming out from behind a log,” Brogdon recollected. Gradually, 16 tiny pups revealed themselves as they emerged from their hiding spot.

When the seasoned rescuer came across a multitude of dogs, she was surprised by the overwhelming amount. Although she was used to seeing dogs everywhere in Oklahoma, seeing so many at once left her at a loss for words. It didn’t take long for Mitzi to realize that the young pups belonged to three separate litters and that Dolly, the courageous mother, was taking care of puppies that weren’t even her own. According to The Dodo, Dolly was keeping these little ones secure, giving them a place to stay and safeguarding them from any potential harm from outside sources.

Brogdon had to seek help to find shelter for their family of 17 people, which was a pretty tall order. They were eventually placed in four different shelters that are taking good care of them. However, they can only leave once they complete their vaccination program and find a permanent home. Although the babies have been getting a lot of attention, Mitzi is worried about Dolly, an older girl who also deserves a caring family just like the others. Brogdon is appealing to potential adopters to consider taking in Dolly as well.

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