Purring Love: A Tale of a Rescued Cat’s Everyday Duty to Accompany his Adored Little Human to the School Bus Stop

As soon as Jessica Leatherman’s daughter began attending first grade and riding the school bus, she got an unexpected companion at the bus stop – the family’s rescue cat, Craig – who took on the responsibility of keeping her safe during her daily commute.

Leatherman had a fateful encounter with a precious black and white kitty at an adoption event back in 2019. Deciding to take him home, the cat was quickly embraced by the family and given the name Craig. Despite spending over eight months in a shelter, Craig adapted to his new surroundings with ease and became a beloved member of the family. Known for his laid-back personality, Craig is not easily rattled by anything and can even sleep through thunderstorms without so much as a stir. But when he’s feeling lively, Craig loves to act like a playful clown, often knocking things off counters to garner attention.

Leatherman’s daughter has a special bond with Craig, which intrigued him when he witnessed her new morning routine. Leatherman noticed that every time her daughter left for the bus, their cat would start meowing and running towards the door. One day, she decided to let the cat out to see her daughter off. To her surprise, the cat chose to accompany her daughter instead of staying with her. The cat followed her down the sidewalk and sat with her in the driveway until the bus arrived. Leatherman was taken aback by this as she had expected the cat to spend time with her, as the bus stops right in front of their house. However, she found it endearing that he preferred to be with her daughter.

When Craig started dropping off his sister at the bus stop, Leatherman was amazed and thought it was a one-time thing. But to her surprise, Craig has turned it into a daily ritual that he takes very seriously. He even waits until the bus is out of sight before leaving the corner. Though she is unsure why Craig has made himself the official drop-off cat, Leatherman finds it quite charming. In fact, Craig has become a local hero in the neighborhood, and all the children recognize him and shout out his name when the bus arrives. Leatherman’s daughter is particularly drawn to Craig, and the two are inseparable. Craig watches over her like a guardian angel, following her around the house and keeping her safe. For Leatherman, it is a beautiful thing to witness.

One night, Francisa Franken was browsing through her local animal shelter’s website when she came across a unique-looking cat. The cat’s flat face, tough attitude, and sad eyes caught her attention, and she couldn’t help but stop scrolling. Franken shared with The Dodo that she felt an instant connection with the cat when she saw its portrait. She found the photographs amusing and had never seen a feline with similar features before.

Without wasting any time, she immediately contacted the shelter to check if the cat was still available. She couldn’t sleep that night because of her anxiety about not hearing back from them. When she followed up with the shelter, they were shocked to hear that she was interested in Bean. “A kind-hearted girl reached out to us and asked if Bean was still up for adoption, as nobody had shown any interest in her before,” Frank mentioned. “The lady who contacted me seemed worried that she might have selected the wrong option by mistake.”

Bean was a stray pup who came across a trailer park and later found herself in a shelter. Unfortunately, she had never known the warmth of a loving home and was dealing with an eye infection along with other ailments. However, Frank didn’t let that deter him from making a difference. He vividly recalls his first encounter with her, stating that he was led to her room by a kind lady, and what he saw melted his heart. Bean was so tiny and dainty, with stumpy legs, a small tail, and the flattest face he had ever seen. When he laid eyes on her, he couldn’t help but burst into tears as the emotions overwhelmed him. She wasn’t anything like he had imagined, but in that moment, she was even more precious to him.

As soon as Franken took Bean home, the cat wasted no time in expressing her gratitude. According to Franken, Bean became extremely affectionate and clingy towards her new owner, following her around wherever she went. Franken believes that Bean realized she didn’t have to put on an act anymore and that she would always be safe with her. However, as time passed, Bean’s true personality began to shine through, as she started to display a snarky and sassy side. Even though some may have found it off-putting, Franken loved this about Bean because it showed her true colors.

Bean shares a room with Frank and enjoys eating olives, aside from her mother’s cooking. The scent of olives or olive brine excites her. One night, Frank was having a snack when Bean took an olive from his hand and ate it under the sofa, as per Frank’s account.

Isoprenoids, which are chemically similar to catnip, can be found in green olives and pimentos. Bean loves these salty treats so much that she even gets mad at her mother when she sees her taking them out of the fridge. Fortunately, olives are safe for cats as long as they are given in moderation. Frank spoils Bean with a few as a treat.

The text below is from the Pets TV website.

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