Park-Abandoned Kitten Finds a Forever Home with Feline Family, Showering Everyone with Love and Affection.

One day, a little kitten was abandoned in a park. Luckily, a kind-hearted cat came to his rescue and decided to adopt him as her own. Since then, the kitten has developed a super clingy personality and often sticks to anyone who comes near him like glue.

sleeping snuggly kitten

Approximately eight weeks ago, a minuscule feline was spotted alone in a park. Despite searching for an owner, the individual who found the kitten was unsuccessful in their efforts. The kitten, at only one week old, required constant attention from either a mother cat or a caregiver who could provide nourishment with a bottle. After realizing that the kitten was abandoned, the finder contacted Be Their Voice Animal Rescue for assistance. Aimee, a member of the rescue’s board, immediately took action after receiving the message. She took the kitten under her wing and had a plan in mind for the vulnerable little one.

orphaned kitten tiny

Aimee had recently discovered a lone kitten in a park before rescuing it. However, a few weeks before this incident happened, she kindly took in a mother cat and her six kittens who were born in a shelter. The mother cat, Lucy, was incredibly happy to be out of the shelter’s kennel and into a cozy home. When Lucy was released from her carrier, she immediately purred and sought affection from Aimee.

kitten snuggling cat

A cute kitten found himself without a mom, but luckily Aimee had another feline friend who was willing to step in and save the day. Lucy, a caring and sweet cat, became the new adoptive mother to the little orphan, taking him under her wing in no time at all. Although he was the smallest of the litter, this furry little guy was a fighter, always striving for Mama’s love and affection by wiggling his way up to her face and demanding extra tender loving care. With Lucy’s loving attention and care, this rescued kitten was sure to thrive and grow big and strong.

kittens nursing cat

Aimee lent a helping hand to the rescued baby while the mother was busy taking care of the other seven babies. She provided supplementary feedings to the little one, which helped him gain weight and catch up with the rest. Aimee enjoyed feeding the baby and giving him snuggles, as he would purr after every feeding. She initially thought it was a one-time thing, but soon realized that the baby needed cuddles every time.

sweet kitten adorable

Aimee’s foster kitten, Rerun, was able to keep up with his siblings and reach milestones even though he was two weeks younger. He had a round belly but looked almost as big as the others. Rerun made sure to snuggle with his foster mom after every meal.

snuggly kitten lap cat

Aimee shared that her cat was quite clingy and always wanted to cuddles after every meal. The feline would snuggle with her face, drape his body over her neck, or wrap his arms around her leg until he fell asleep. Although he played with his adopted siblings, the cat seemed to prefer human interaction, earning him the nickname “Velcro kitty.”

snuggly cuddly kitten

Aimee, the adorable kitten, was known for his unique behavior of swiping at other kittens who tried to play rough with him. He would hold on tight to his foster mom with his other paw, showing his affection towards humans. Despite enjoying playing with his siblings, Aimee never missed a chance to be around people.

sleeping cuddly kitten

While resting in the kitten room, Rerun would often snuggle up with his foster mom Aimee. But when she was away, he would happily join the other kittens in a cozy snuggle-pile, always at the center of the group. Since being discovered as a tiny orphan in the park, Rerun has made remarkable progress and grown tremendously.

snuggly kittens cute

Rerun, the adorable kitty, was always fond of snuggling with his siblings, especially Aimee. Despite being in a new environment, he clung to his foster mom on day one and still loves cuddling with his humans. When a potential adopter visited to choose a cat, Rerun quickly won her over by climbing into her lap and making himself at home.

lap kitten cat sleeping

The adorable cat snuggled up on the lap of the visiting human, choosing her as his companion. He purred contentedly until he drifted off to sleep in her embrace. This charming feline sealed the deal for his new owner, who decided to adopt him that very day. According to Aimee, Rerun (who now goes by the name Pita) has found his forever home and has already been warmly welcomed by his new feline brother Pickles. The two are happily exploring their new toys and beds together.

cat kitten best friends

Pickles and PitaAimee are two adorable feline friends who love to play together. Pita, the younger one, has grown into a stunning cat with a charming personality. He is fortunate enough to have found a loving family who snuggles with him every day.

kitten cat best friends

Let your pals in on this tale about Aimee, and don’t forget to check out more about her foster cats and the Be Their Voice Animal Rescue on their Instagram pages, namely @_catz4life_ and @fostercatsfordays.