“Miracle Delivery: Rescued Pregnant Pooch Welcomes Stunning 18-Pup Litter”

A furry friend has welcomed a group of eight bouncing puppies into the world, defying the odds after narrowly escaping euthanasia.

Maggie and Diesel, a lovable hound mix and terrier-mix, were given a new lease on life when they were taken in by the Troy Animal Rescue Project in Troy, Alabama. The organization’s founder and director, Tiffany Howington, shared with Newsweek that they received an urgent notification about the dogs being scheduled for euthanasia due to limited space. Fortunately, the Troy Animal Rescue Project managed to pull them from the shelter just in time, mere hours before their scheduled termination. These two rescue dogs and puppies are now safe and sound under the care of the Troy Animal Rescue Project.

The ASPCA reported that an alarming number of shelter animals, approximately 920,000, are being put to sleep yearly. This devastating statistic includes 390,000 dogs and 530,000 cats. However, the Troy Animal Rescue Project is a no-kill shelter that provides a safe haven for pets, regardless of their breed, age, or medical needs. The shelter has been running for nine years and is currently home to 503 pets, which include an array of animals like dogs, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits, rats, and reptiles. Howington, the spokesperson of the organization, shared this information.

The puppies and their mother, Maggie, are all in good health according to Howington, who praised Maggie’s caretaking abilities. Diesel, who is approximately two years old, will be up for adoption in two weeks with the Troy Animal Rescue Project, while Maggie and her pups will continue to receive care from the team for at least nine more weeks during the nursing period. The puppies will be ready for adoption after receiving their second set of vaccinations at nine weeks, while Maggie can only be adopted once her milk supply has dried up enough for the vet to approve her spaying. The rescue group announced this heartwarming news on Facebook, where many supporters expressed their delight.

Numerous Facebook users have expressed their gratitude for the rescue of these puppies. Many have commented on their cuteness and expressed their desire to adopt one of them.

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