“Meri and Kody’s “Permanent Split” Marks the End of ‘Sister Wives’ Season 18″

The news of Kody Brown and Meri Brown’s split has been making waves in the media. The stars of Sister Wives announced on social media that their marriage has come to a permanent end. Fans are now left wondering about the future of the show on TLC, with some speculating that there may not be a Season 18. Meanwhile, Christine Brown has hinted at the possibility of another season, leading to further speculation among fans. Despite the uncertainty, many viewers are relieved that Kody and Meri have finally put an end to their tumultuous relationship after two decades.

Sister Wives Kody Brown Meri Brown Instagram

@therealmeribrown on Instagram is credited for the photo. With a lot of wives officially leaving Kody Brown, some are wondering what the future holds for the family on TLC. Speculations arise that they may go their separate ways and pursue solo projects. Furthermore, viewers keenly await the reactions of Christine, Janelle, and Robyn Brown to Meri and Kody’s “permanent split.” While some think the other wives may have anticipated this development, others accuse Robyn of being manipulative and having an unfair relationship with Kody, contributing to the breakdown of the plural family. Despite Meri being the only wife who tried to establish a closer connection with Robyn, some believe she will remain silent on Kody and Meri’s separation.

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