“Little Feline Receives Adorable Guinea Pig Cone for Leg Recovery Due to Its Petite Build”

The little feline was so tiny that he had to put on a cone typically meant for guinea pigs after undergoing surgery on his leg.

Finnegan, a cute little ginger kitty also known as Finn, had a tough beginning. Fortunately, a kind-hearted person rescued him from an attack by another animal and saved his life. Unfortunately, his front leg was badly injured. The people who found him did their best to immobilize his leg with a makeshift splint and began reaching out to animal rescue organizations for assistance. Thankfully, Caroline Grace, the founder of Baby Kitten Rescue, agreed to take him in right away when they contacted her about Finn’s situation.

Finn was quickly taken to an animal hospital where it was discovered through x-rays that his humerus bone had snapped in two. To fix the problem, Dr. Jacobo at Primary Care Animal Hospital performed emergency surgery on Finn’s leg the following day. Although Finn was only 3.5 weeks old and weighed just 0.6 lb, the talented Dr. Jacobo managed to operate successfully and pin the broken limb back together.

Finn’s pins were secured with an external fixator, which will be taken out once he fully recovers. The following day after his discharge, Finn was already up and about trying to play. We were astonished by Finn’s strength and resilience after his surgery. He recovered efficiently and within a week, he was already using his leg again.

Finn, despite his small size, possesses an unyielding attitude. He never lets anything get in the way of his joy and is always in a positive mood. After returning from a visit to the vet for a check-up, Finn’s new cone appeared to be too big for him. As a result, his owners started exploring alternative options to find the best cone for Finn.

They tested out the most comfortable cat cone that was available, despite it being quite small for Finn’s size. Surprisingly, he didn’t seem bothered by its size and continued to play around as usual. The cone even became his cozy pillow during nap time. Even when the cones were too big or uncomfortable, he still remained calm and unfazed.

Due to his small size, finding a suitable cone for him proved to be quite a challenge. Initially, the hospital created a customized cone, but during his recheck, the cone they provided was too large. After some investigation, they discovered an ideal solution – guinea pig cones. These turned out to be a perfect fit for him.

The moment he donned his fresh Elizabethan collar, he burst with liveliness. He joyfully tumbled around on Caroline’s lap and even attempted to assist her in handling her phone.

According to Caroline, Finn is a resilient and cheerful kitten who refuses to be defeated by the challenges he has faced. Despite undergoing trauma, having pins in his leg, and being forced to wear a cone, he remains sweet, playful, and happy. Finn’s ginger fur is always brimming with vitality and happiness.

Finn loves spending time with Chester, the adorable house cat, and never seems to get tired of playing. Since he’s healthy and active, Finn was introduced to another foster kitten named Frankie for supervised play sessions.

When Frankie was discovered, his hind legs were paralyzed. However, after receiving a new opportunity, he is now capable of doing nearly anything that other cats can do. During their initial encounter, Finn was courageous and curious despite being smaller in size. He trailed after Frankie throughout the house and even demonstrated how to play with toys.

Observing their newfound relationship and budding friendship is truly heartwarming. Despite being small enough to require guinea pig cones, Finn’s indomitable spirit leads him to believe that he is capable of achieving anything.

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