Introducing Tomitilii: A Romanian Tortie With Fierce Tortitude and Sass

Tortoiseshell cats are undeniably fascinating and delightful creatures. These female felines possess a unique combination of elegance and spunk, making each one truly one-of-a-kind. It’s no wonder that cat enthusiasts worldwide adore these special creatures. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of spending time with a tortoiseshell cat, you know exactly what we’re talking about!
Tomitilii is a stunning tortoiseshell cat hailing from the charming city of Bucharest in Romania. I recently had the privilege of speaking with her devoted owner, who generously allowed me to feature his beloved pet on my website. Without further ado, I’m thrilled to introduce you to Tomitilii: a sweet yet sassy tortoiseshell cat whose shining personality is evident in every snapshot.

How did Tomitilii become a part of your family?
Back when I was 20 years old, I began living on my own and my then-girlfriend was a huge cat lover. She kept urging me to adopt a feline companion, but I had always heard my mother’s voice repeating that pets were not allowed at home. However, as time passed, I began to wonder if I could take up the responsibility of caring for a little life. After a year of contemplation, I finally agreed to adopt a cat and my girlfriend found someone on Facebook who was offering kittens for adoption. Unfortunately, when we arrived at the location, we discovered that the gray male with blue spots we had come to see had already been taken in by someone else. Nevertheless, this did not dampen our spirits as we continued our search for the perfect feline friend.

A little ball with yellow eyes was frolicking in the lady’s backyard near a stump. It was Tomitilii, and the moment I laid eyes on her, I knew she had to be mine. Despite her being female, my love for Tom and Jerry cartoons from childhood led me to name her TOM, later evolving into a more feminine version- Tomitilii. She has grown into a big, colorful ball, and I will cherish her forever.

Tomitilii is quite stubborn and demands obedience; failure to comply may result in dire consequences.

In the past, Tomitilii shared her home with two friendly cats- Miau, a black and white tomcat, and another feline friend. Sadly, Miau passed away two years ago after falling from the 10th-floor balcony. Now, it’s just me, my girlfriend, and Tomitilii residing together- no children or kitty offspring, at least for now.

What does she like to do in her free time? Despite occasionally interrupting me with her princess-like behavior while I work or have responsibilities, my cat is still beloved by me. She’s the ideal feline companion for a small living space, as her big personality makes up for it. Like most cats, she enjoys meowing, eating, sleeping, and using her litter box.

One of her most mischievous habits is to use the priciest furniture as a scratching post for her nails. It’s remarkable how she always manages to identify the most valuable items in the apartment. It’s like magic!

Is there something unique about Tomitilii that you want to share with others? Personally, I feel grateful that she has welcomed me into her life, making every moment with her all the more special. A heartfelt “mulÈ›umesc” goes out to Robert Catu for giving me the opportunity to introduce Tomitilii’s story to all the wonderful readers of Cattitude Daily. Her tale demonstrates that distance is no obstacle when it comes to the fiery spirit of tortoiseshell cats and their unbeatable ‘tortitude’! Don’t forget to give her a follow on Instagram if you want to see more of this sassy little sweetheart!