How a Super Dog Mom Rescued Six Puppies and Nursed Them Along with Her Own 17 Babies

Petunia, a rescue dog, has proven to be quite the saintly canine. Initially, she only intended to care for her own pups. However, when six orphaned puppies required a foster mother, Petunia eagerly stepped up to the plate. Despite already having 11 kids of her own, the four-year-old St. Bernard-mix welcomed the six orphans into her fold after they were discovered in an abandoned house. Volunteer group No Dog Left Behind was contacted after the pups’ mother didn’t come back, and they quickly found a foster home with Petunia and her foster mom, Stephanie Easley. Easley’s husband brought the six puppies over to see if Petunia would accept them as her own, and she immediately began caring for them like they were her own flesh and blood. Petunia’s journey to becoming a foster mom wasn’t an easy one; she was homeless and pregnant on the streets of rural Minnesota before someone took her in. Although there were initial concerns about Petunia handling her litter of pups, those worries were swiftly put to rest when she started taking care of them like a pro. Now, she’s taken on six more little ones without missing a beat. According to Easley, Petunia “is doing so great with these orphans” and went from possible need for assistance with her own litter to becoming the mother of six more pups.

Dogs can have litters of varying sizes, with large litters ranging from one to twelve puppies. On average, the number of puppies in a litter is around five or six. However, there’s good news for one new mom and her unusually large litter.

According to Easley, the proud owner, Petunia is an absolute delight. She describes the mother dog as sweet, peaceful, and kind-hearted. Easley is completely captivated by her and believes that Petunia is truly one of a kind.

Since giving birth, Petunia has been doing exceptionally well. Despite having many puppies to look after, she remains calm and collected. Easley cannot help but praise her, saying that Petunia is a true saint. She believes that humans could learn a thing or two from dogs like Petunia, who show unconditional love and acceptance to those in need.

Easley is thrilled to have Petunia and her adorable pups in her life, and she loves showing them off to others. For her, Petunia is not just a pet but also a source of inspiration. If everyone could learn from dogs like Petunia, the world would be a much better place.

Petunia, along with her babies, will be up for adoption once she has finished raising them. However, having Petunia in Easley’s life has already made a significant impact. Fostering Petunia has been a transformative experience for Easley. The opportunity to save 18 innocent lives at once is truly remarkable. Pets like Petunia have the power to change our lives forever and leave an unforgettable impression. They shape us into better individuals and can help mold the next generation of compassionate people.