How a Long Drive Led to an Unlikely Friendship Between a Blind Kitten and a Rescued Dog

A heartwarming story tells of a woman who traveled for 10 hours just to provide a blind kitten with a forever home. The kitten, named Lime, was rescued along with her sister when they were only three days old. Unfortunately, their eyes were severely infected and had not developed correctly. The Jacksonville Humane Society came to their rescue and placed them in a foster home where they would receive round-the-clock care. Despite the doubts of their survival, the kittens managed to pull through the first 48 hours. After two weeks of dedicated care, the kittens were able to bounce back and were doing well. Lime and her sister were especially unique as their other senses were highly heightened, allowing them to get around with ease. Upon arriving in her new home, Lime quickly found a new best friend in her owner’s dog.

Bryanna Rosario, a resident of Miami, Florida, came across a picture of Lime, a sweet blind feline. The moment she saw the photo, she was immediately reminded of her own rescued kitten, Lemon, who also had a similar coat and was visually impaired. Although Lemon lost his life due to a heart condition, he experienced love and happiness to the fullest during his time on earth. Stirred by these memories, Bryanna decided to embark on a long journey to meet Lime in person. When she finally met Lime, it was quite an emotional experience for Bryanna.

I didn’t want to compare Lime to Lemon, or impose any expectations on her. But when I held Lime for the first time, it was clear that she was a unique and different kitty. Despite this, I fell in love with her just as deeply as I did with Lemon. Lime snuggled her way into my heart, making me feel like Lemon had sent her to me.

From the day she arrived, Lime exuded confidence and joy despite being blind. She relied on her other senses to navigate her surroundings and follow her owner Bryanna everywhere. Lime had a keen ear for the sound of food cans opening and had no qualms about making her presence known when it was mealtime. Bryanna slowly introduced Lime to the other pets in the house, which included two dogs and two older cats. However, her bond with Letty, a rescued dog, was immediate. Lime became enamored with Letty’s tail and didn’t let her new friend out of her sight. They played and slept together, and their friendship only grew stronger with time. Letty’s presence provided Lime with a sense of security, and Lime showed her gratitude by keeping her buddy company and showering her with affection. These two furry friends are inseparable and share a unique bond that is heartwarming to behold. Lime and her sister have both found their forever homes, and Lime’s bravery and adventurous spirit have endeared her to all those around her. Check out the adorable video of Lime and Letty playing together!

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