Herbee The Hedgehog and Audree The Bengal Kitten: The Adorable Duo Taking Social Media by Storm

Prepare to have your day filled with joy and adorableness because we’re introducing you to the dynamic duo of Herbee the hedgehog and Audree the Bengal kitten. Their heartwarming friendship has captured the hearts of people all over the world, and they’re both beloved members of Mr. Pokee’s family. Talitha Girnus, their owner based in Germany, frequently updates their social media pages with their cute escapades, which have garnered a massive following of over 1.8 million fans on Instagram alone. Make sure to check out MrPokee.com, as well as their Instagram and Facebook pages for more cuteness overload!


Despite their differences in species and size, Herbee the hedgehog and Audree the cat have formed a close bond as best friends. Talitha captures their charming and endearing escapades through photographs set against stunning scenery.


Talitha shared the story of how she welcomed two furry friends into her life. Herbee, who she adopted a few months ago from a previous owner who had allergies, and Audree, who was originally reserved for breeding but ended up being available for adoption when the reserved buyer backed out two days before Talitha called.


For many years, I’ve had a strong desire to have a feline companion, specifically a Bengal cat. One of the reasons I chose this breed is because they tend to get along well with other animals, which was important to me. Additionally, I wanted a cat that would be up for joining me on my travels and adventures. After pondering my options, it became clear that a Bengal cat was the perfect fit.

One night, I had a dream about my future Bengal cat. In this dream, we explored the world together and formed an unbreakable bond. From that point on, I knew that a Bengal cat was meant to be my faithful companion.


Upon awakening from my dream, I was initially saddened to realize it wasn’t real. However, it dawned on me that this dream could become a reality. I started my search online and stumbled upon Audree, a feline who immediately caught my eye. Hearing her story from the owner, I felt fate played a hand in our meeting. Audree has three brothers, just as I have two, and she would often observe them play instead of joining in, much like myself as a child.

Before making the final decision to adopt, I brought Herbee, my hedgehog, to meet Audree. To my delight, they hit it off immediately and have since become inseparable. Audree is now almost one year old, and Herbee remains by her side always. It’s remarkable how they play and snuggle together, with Herbee never once feeling threatened by Audree. While Audree was initially cautious around Herbee, she has since warmed up to him, showing curiosity without any fear.


During their nightly meals, Herbee and Audree often share a bowl. Surprisingly, Audree seems to prefer Herbee’s food over her own, despite them eating the same thing (with the exception of Herbee’s occasional insects). Audree is even allowed to enter Herbee’s cage and sometimes sleeps there or simply watches him. Although Herbee once bit Audree, she was unharmed and simply meowed before leaving, and it has never happened again.

Talitha mentioned that due to the quarantine, taking photos outdoors has become more challenging. Even though they can go on walks and capture springtime scenes, they’re currently staying on a family farm in a remote location where flowers are only beginning to bloom. While traveling isn’t an option right now, Talitha sees the positive side of things. She now has a greater appreciation for going on adventures with Herbee and Audree.


The owner of Herbee and Audree shared how the quarantine has brought them back to their origins and allowed them ample time to bond with their loved ones. The simple pleasures of life, such as seeing a ladybug perched on Audree’s head or watching Herbee sniffing a tiny flower, have gained more significance and appreciation during this period.




The focus of traveling has shifted from reaching far-off destinations to finding happiness in the present moment. This realization has been a valuable lesson, and it’s heartening to witness and spread positivity through this perspective. Our online community has expressed their gratitude for our photos, having found greater joy in them. It’s a small action that brings happiness to others, and reading these messages fills me with happiness too.




In 2015, Talitha began sharing pictures of animals on her social media accounts after she adopted a baby hedgehog named Pokee. As a tribute to her beloved pet, she named all of her accounts after Pokee, the original hedgehoggo.




Regrettably, in 2019, Pokee left us and embarked on his journey to hedgehog paradise. However, Herbee has taken over his role, stepped into his shoes, and continues to bring joy to us! Talitha, the owner, even got a tattoo on her wrist to pay tribute to Pokee’s memory. Despite not being related to Pokee, Herbee appears to have the same passion for photography and modeling as his predecessor.


On her webpage, Talitha shares that people from different parts of the globe are fascinated by their escapades, primarily because of the wonderful message they bring. Amidst all the disheartening events occurring worldwide, Pokee, Herbee, and Audree are a source of joy and inspiration. Every time visitors come back to their page, the trio wants to remind them not to lose hope and to pursue their dreams with passion. This is indeed a heartening note that everyone should take to heart, particularly during these challenging times in 2020.