Good Samaritans Come to the Rescue of Polydactyl Cat and Her Adorable Litter of 6 Kittens

A group of rescuers quickly responded to assist a mother cat and her litter of six kittens, and were amazed to discover that all of them have an unusual genetic trait known as polydactyly.

cat mom kitten polydactyl

Andrea Christian, a volunteer at St. Francis Society Animal Rescue, sprang into action when she received a call about a litter of kittens in need. The kittens came from a family experiencing difficulties and were unable to care for them any longer. Andrea immediately made arrangements to accommodate the new arrivals and her fellow rescuer, Sam, rushed to collect them. Upon arrival, it became apparent that the kittens were only three weeks old and their mother was very affectionate. However, the real shock came when they discovered that all of them, including the mother, were polydactyl, meaning they had extra digits on their paws.

cat mom kittens

PolyAnna, a doting cat mother, was sadly surrendered to the shelter along with her seven kittens – six newly borns and an older one from her previous litter. Fortunately, the St. Francis Society Animal Rescue stepped in and took care of the family. Meanwhile, the rest of PolyAnna’s male cats are undergoing neutering and medical procedures to prevent further breeding. Despite the circumstances, PolyAnna showed immense affection and tenderness towards her little ones, carefully choosing a cozy blanket-laden box as their safe haven.

cat mom kittens

Andrea Christian has a cat and her kittens that are all polydactyl. The cat is very attentive to her kittens and spends most of her time nursing and taking care of them. Andrea once brought a plate of food to the mother cat, who was in the nest with her kittens, and the little ones attempted to eat it too. Even though they were still too young to eat on their own, they mimicked their mother by diving nose-first into the food.

kitten extra toes polydactyl

Andrea Christian observed PolyAnna and her litter of kittens, who she affectionately called Dolly Purrton, Dwayne ‘the Rock’, Hairy Styles, Leo DeCatrio, Ed/Eddy Sheeran, and Charlie Purrth. She noticed that they have extra toes on their paws that resemble mittens. Andrea also noticed that PolyAnna feeds her kittens by letting them explore and nibble on their food, while she finishes the rest.

seal point kitten, kitten polydactyl

Andrea Christian reports that among a litter of kittens, some have seven toes on each of their back paws while one has the usual toe count. The kittens are growing rapidly and becoming more playful, keeping their mother busy. They have discovered new ways to exercise their energy, such as running, pouncing, climbing, and wrestling with their siblings.

kitten extra toes, kitten polydactyl

Andrea Christian
The adorable little kitten, known as the Rock, has a strong attachment to his mother PolyAnna and can often be found trailing after her wherever she goes. He has a number of playful antics that he uses to capture her attention, including goofing around and acting silly.
It’s clear to see that the Rock is very fond of his mom, and has a special bond with her. PolyAnna is known for her gentle nature, which makes her the perfect companion for her loving kitten.

cat mom cute kitten

As the kittens approach the weaning stage at five weeks old, Mama PolyAnna is taking care of all six of them with utmost love and care. She patiently attends to their every need and is always gentle, even when all six kittens swarm around her at once. Her kind and sweet nature make her a loving mother to her little ones.

sweet cat mom kittens toes

Andrea Christian is doing an amazing job as a cat mom to a family of polydactyl kittens under her foster care in Tampa, FL. The adorable feline family is thriving under her care and when the time comes for adoption, they will be spayed and neutered. PolyAnna, the mother cat, is showering her kittens with plenty of love and affection.

sweet cat mom extra toes

Andrea Christian shares that PolyAnna is finally getting the chance to live the rest of her life being loved and cared for by her new family. After taking care of her last litter, PolyAnna deserves to be pampered and cherished with endless love.

cat mom nursing kittens

Don’t forget to spread the word about this amazing story! You can find out more about the polydactyl family and Andrea’s foster animals by following @turtlecatfoster on Instagram.