“From Stray to Home Sweet Home: Heartwarming Tale of a Feline Rescue Mission”

After spending her entire life outside, a feline finally gets to enjoy the luxuries of being an indoor cat with her adorable kitten by her side.

cat hugs kitten

Meet Remille the cat and Hardy the kitten, who were rescued by a family living on a remote farm near Montreal, Canada. The family noticed an increasing number of abandoned cats around their property and took them in, providing them with the care they needed to survive. However, as the number of cats grew, they found it difficult to give each one the attention they deserved. They reached out for help, and animal rescuer Julie answered their call. She immediately noticed that one of the cats had a cloudy eye and was covered in mats. Thanks to Julie’s intervention, Remille and Hardy were given a second chance at life.

stray farm cats

With the aid of humane traps, Julie was successful in rescuing all of the cats and kittens. She then transferred them over to Chatons Orphelins Montréal. It was discovered that some of the cats were expecting, including the feline with the cloudy eye. Every single one of them got the necessary medical attention before being placed into foster homes. The long-haired feline with the cloudy eye was christened Remille and weighed a mere 1.3 kg. She was thin as a rail.

affectionate cat

After being brought inside, Remille began to show a lot of love and affection. Once her coat was all smoothed out and free of mats, she felt like a whole new kitty and was purring up a storm. Despite having an ulcer on one of her eyes and testing positive for FIV, she didn’t let that stop her from seeking out attention and love. In just a few days, Remille gained almost twice her original weight and really let her true personality shine through.

cat with blind eye

After taking a break and regaining her energy, Remille’s appetite for food and affection grew. Her foster mother showered her with love and attention, allowing Remille to enjoy life to the fullest. One evening, Remille went into labor and delivered four kittens, but sadly, only one – a little guy named Hardy – survived despite their best efforts to save them all.

tabby fluffy kitten

This tiny fellow has always been the heaviest and most robust of the lot. Even though he is only six weeks old, he continues to nurse and drink from his bottle, which is perfectly fine. Check out this adorable video of Remille and her kitten as they frolic around. Remille, who is only ten months old, is grateful for the assistance in raising her kitten since she is still a young cat herself. She ensures that Hardy is kept clean and teaches him how to have fun.

cat mom kitten

The organization Chatons Orphelins Montréal has a bright spot in their midst. This little kitty has brought joy to her new indoor lifestyle, playing with feather toys and pouncing around with her fellow kitten. When she’s not chasing toys, she loves to cuddle up to her humans and show affection by cooing and chirping sweetly. Celine, a member of Chatons Orphelins Montréal, shared with Love Meow how this sweet feline likes to get up close and personal during snuggle time.

cat mom kitten

Remille is coaching her kitten on how to behave like a proper cat. The little feline named Hardy is starting to become more energetic and inquisitive. He’s also discovered how to groom himself and is beginning to engage in playtime by mimicking his mother. During the day, Remille gives him guidance and at night, she lets him nurse for comfort.

climbing cat kitten

The organization known as Chatons Orphelins Montréal shared a heartwarming story about one of their rescued kittens named Remille. According to them, after struggling to survive in the wild for months, the adorable feline is now living the good life in a secure and nurturing environment. As a result, he is feeling happy, pampered, and loved.

cat tabby kitten

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