From Scrappy Stray to Snuggly Sidekick: The Heartwarming Transformation of a Limpy Little Kitten

On a chilly winter day, Sarah Richardson, who coordinates rescues for Community Cats of Central Arkansas, got a distress call from a lady residing in a remote area. The woman was in a state of panic and had discovered a kitten with two fractured legs. Sarah requested her to bring the kitten over, and the lady rushed over to hand it to her.

Sarah was immediately struck by the minuscule size of the kitten she found. According to her, the kitten barely weighed 2 pounds, and was incredibly tiny. However, despite her small stature, the kitten was remarkably feisty. This did not come as a surprise to Sarah, considering the fact that she had been struggling to survive in a feral colony, where she had to fight against larger, stronger cats for food.

Upon arrival in Sarah’s care, the kitten, who was later named Bo Peep, displayed caution and remained alert due to her lack of interaction with humans. Bo Peep was undernourished and dehydrated, causing her to be thin. Sarah provided Bo Peep with subcutaneous fluids and fed her a nutritious meal that she eagerly devoured. After a thorough examination, Sarah discovered that Bo Peep’s legs were not broken, as initially anticipated.

The Reality Unveiled
It turns out that Bo Peep’s legs were not actually broken, but rather she was born with a genetic condition that causes her front legs to bend inwards, giving her a bow-legged appearance. Inbreeding is often responsible for such genetic abnormalities, which highlights the significance of TNRing feral colonies.

Bo Peep’s physical ailment did not hinder her active lifestyle. Her experience of residing in a wild community had instilled in her a spirit of strength, perseverance, and resolution. Sarah commented that Bo Peep faced difficulties in getting up and sitting down, but once she was on her feet, she moved rapidly. However, due to her climbing weakness, even performing everyday tasks like using the litter box was challenging for her.

Initially, Bo Peep was wary of everyone and preferred solitude. Her interactions with humans and feline friends didn’t go smoothly. Despite her strong personality and determination, Sarah found her to be a unique and amusing cat. Gradually, Bo Peep began to appreciate the comfort of living indoors, and she even made friends with two foster kittens named Woody and Buzz.

Sarah shared that she turned to social media for suggestions on what to name her new pet. Following the Toy Story theme, Bo Peep was chosen as the perfect moniker for her. Her fellow feline companions were named Woody and Buzz. At first, Bo Peep had trouble adjusting to the idea of sharing her mealtime with her kitten buddies. However, after some time, she has started to become more comfortable with them and even enjoys snuggling with them.

On a mission to find solutions, Bo Peep’s genetic abnormality poses a significant challenge that requires specialized treatment. Sarah confirmed that her legs cannot be repaired without professional assistance. However, the dearth of veterinarians in Arkansas specializing in the condition has made the quest for a suitable vet more daunting. Nevertheless, Sarah is committed to finding the right expert to help Bo Peep.

Sarah explained that they are determined to determine the most effective way to improve Bo Peep’s quality of life, whether it involves physical therapy or surgery. She emphasized the urgency of intervening while Bo Peep is still young to ensure the best possible outcome. By receiving treatment during her growing years, Bo Peep will have a greater chance of being able to use her legs more proficiently in adulthood.

Taking Major Steps
Currently, Bo Peep is receiving regular physical therapy while residing in her foster home and is making advancements in her movement capabilities!
Sarah shared, “She’s beginning to excel at climbing! She’s put in a lot of effort to achieve this level of progress, and we’re extremely proud of her.”
Her foster mother, Woody, and Buzz are always present to offer encouragement and provide support.

Sarah is optimistic that Bo Peep will eventually find a loving and caring permanent home. Initially, Bo Peep was a wild kitten who had to fend for herself, but she has been well taken care of while in foster care and is no longer hungry. Although the outlook for her leg injury is uncertain, one thing is guaranteed; Bo Peep will never have to face hunger or solitude alone again.

In case you are willing to make a contribution towards the maintenance of Bo Peep, you can donate via our Meow Mail program.

If you donate to Community Cats of Central AR, you’ll receive a lovely update on Bo Peep and how your contribution has benefited her. This non-profit rescue group, led by Sarah Richardson and Stephanie Spence, focuses on rescuing and rehabilitating cats from rural areas with high rates of animal cruelty. They depend on donations from compassionate individuals to continue rescuing cats and kittens that have been neglected, abused, or abandoned. Additionally, they rescue senior cats, special needs cats, and those in critical condition from kill shelters in the state to prevent unnecessary euthanasia. You can also check out their Facebook page and follow Sarah, their rescue coordinator, on Instagram to see some of their adorable rescue cats. Sign up for their newsletter to receive the latest cat stories straight to your inbox!