From Fearful and Aggressive to Lovable: The Tale of Two Sisters’ Inspiring Transformation into Cuddly Cats

The power of love and patience is incredible. It can work miracles such as turning cautious and grumpy kittens into friendly and affectionate felines.


Two cats named Wasabi and Kimchi were born in the streets and raised by a feral mother. They had no interaction with humans until they were rescued, causing them to react defensively and hide from their rescuers. However, the volunteers at the Animal Welfare League shelter in Arlington, Virginia knew that these cats simply needed love and patience to learn to trust humans. Asa, a volunteer foster family, was happy to provide them with both.

When the two feline sisters arrived at their new home, they quickly searched for hiding spots. However, they became defensive and hostile towards humans, especially when Asa tried to approach them. Both cats would hiss, spit and make noise to scare him away. Among the two, Wasabi was the more hesitant one.

Upon their arrival, Asa’s main priority was to help the cats socialize. Initially, she spent time in their room with them, engaging in activities such as watching movies and talking out loud. Her aim was to accustom the cats to her presence and behavior. Asa also made sure to be present during feeding times in order to establish herself as a food source for the cats. After a few days, one of the cats, Kimchi, made the first move towards establishing a connection with Asa by taking a treat from her hand. This gave Asa the opportunity to pet and caress the kitten, which was a pivotal moment in their relationship. Over the following days, Kimchi continued to approach Asa and even lay down on her lap, purring contentedly.

Nonetheless, Wasabi was cautious and stayed behind her sister for protection. As a result, Asa altered her approach and began soothing Wasabi with one-on-one affectionate sessions, wrapping her in a towel. Gradually, Wasabi came to the realization that her foster mother posed no harm and even grew to relish these heartwarming moments of tender embraces.

The two siblings, Kimchi and Wasabi, were progressing differently. While Kimchi had become accustomed to the foster dad and the other animals in the household, Wasabi was hesitant and only interacted with Asa. Nonetheless, both cats were steadily improving, and they were eager to find a loving family with the same level of patience and care. Fortunately, their wishes were granted, and Kimchi and Wasabi were adopted as a pair. They can now continue their socialization journey in their forever home. Check out their heartwarming journey in the video below.