Feline Fascination: Get to Know the Cat Who Can’t Get Enough of His Favorite Bottle

Caring for orphaned kittens can be a difficult task, but those who love cats are up for the challenge. These tiny creatures need constant care and warmth in order to withstand the harsh realities of their situation.

Looking after little kittens can be a lot of fun, but it’s important to be careful not to spoil them too much. Overindulging your furry friend can lead to them developing bad habits and manners.

Introducing Okaki, a cute little cat who was abandoned by her mother. Luckily, kind-hearted people found her and took on the responsibility of looking after her.

Throughout the day, Okaki was regularly fed milk from a bottle, leading him to associate the bottle with mealtime. This created a habit of him requesting the bottle whenever he saw it, and he even created a distinct meow specifically for when he wanted to be fed from the bottle. His owners quickly caught on and recognized this meow as a sign of hunger.

As Okaki grew older and no longer relied on the bottle for nutrition, he still found great pleasure in using it. He found comfort and joy in nursing from the bottle, which became a source of happiness for the little feline.

At times, he would go to extreme measures to lay his claws on the scrumptious delicacy, even trying to climb up the closest cloth. Nothing could deter him from achieving his objective of satiating his appetite.

Luckily, our feline friend has outgrown the need for formula and has become a fully grown cat. Nevertheless, we will always hold dear memories of him as a cute little kitten who relied on us for everything. Simply adorable!
Credits for the photograph belong to Kachimo, and I stumbled upon it on Lovemeow.com.