Erling Haaland Enjoys Summer Fun in St. Tropez: Manchester City Star Relaxes on Break After Norway’s Euro 2024 Disappointment

During his summer break, Erling Haaland decided to head to St. Tropez to enjoy the sunshine over the weekend. The 23-year-old Norwegian footballer treated himself to a vacation in the French town after his team did not make it to the Euros 2024. Haaland was seen relaxing on his luxurious yacht, sporting red and purple shorts as he playfully carried a ball around. With his iconic blond hair flowing behind him, Haaland dove into the ocean with a splash. After coming out of the water, he lounged by the water’s edge before sitting down on a chair to relax.

Erling Haaland made the most of his summer break by soaking up the sun in St. Tropez on Sunday.

During his summer break, Erling Haaland enjoyed some relaxation in St. Tropez, basking under the warm sun on Sunday.

The Norwegian forward, 23,has taken himself on the getaway to the French commune after his team failed to qualify for the Euros 2024.

The 23-year-old Norwegian striker decided to take a break in a French village after his team did not make it to the Euros 2024. Meanwhile, the football tournament began in Germany with a match between Serbia and England. It was clear in November that the Manchester City player would not be participating in the Euros due to his national team’s failure to qualify. This also meant that Haaland, who missed a qualifier against Scotland due to an ankle injury, has yet to play in a major international tournament. Norway has not appeared in a World Cup or Euros since Euro 2000. While it was disappointing news for Haaland, Switzerland and the Netherlands celebrated their qualification for the upcoming tournament in Germany. In a recent interview, Haaland mentioned that he welcomes criticism of his performance as it motivates him to strive for a third consecutive Golden Boot. He humorously commented, “If this season was bad, then so be it. It was a bad season, but the only way is up. The more critics and haters, the more determined I become.”

The Man City striker seemed to be haing a whale of a time as he jumped into the water on the luxury trip away

The striker from Man City looked like he was having a great time as he happily took a plunge into the water during his luxurious getaway.

In further snaps, he was seen emerging from the water and lounging around above to the water before taking to a chair to rest

The sports star seemed in god spirits as he indulged in the heat

In additional photos, he was spotted coming out of the water and chilling by the poolside before eventually settling down in a chair to relax.

Haaland won't be playing at Euro 2024 after Norway failed to qualify for the tournament

Unfortunately, Haaland will not be taking part in Euro 2024 as Norway did not make it to the tournament.

The Man City striker won't get the chance to play on Europe's biggest stage in Germany

The striker from Manchester City will not have the opportunity to compete on the grand European stage in Germany.

England fans pictured holding flags and chanting outside a pub in Gelsenkirchen

Images captured of English supporters waving flags and cheering outside a bar in Gelsenkirchen.

Captain Harry Kane posing with an England flag ahead of tonight's opener against Serbia

Before the big match against Serbia, here is Captain Harry Kane proudly posing with an England flag. Gareth Southgate’s squad is set to start their tournament in Gelsenkirchen at 8pm, aiming to surpass their performance three years ago when they narrowly missed out on victory in the final against Italy at Wembley. Fans have gathered in western Germany in high spirits, ready to cheer on England as they aim to win the trophy for the first time. The atmosphere is lively as approximately 40,000 fans are expected in the city, with some already singing the unofficial anthem of the England football team, a Neil Diamond classic. One enthusiastic fan sporting a St George’s Afro wig confidently declared, ‘It’s coming home, sir,’ outside a pub, capturing the optimism and excitement surrounding England’s chances in the tournament.

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