Enticing Stray Kittens with Wobbly Feet Snuggle Up to a Woman, Seeking Her Love and Attention

A pair of wobbly-footed kittens were born outdoors and found solace in the embrace of a compassionate woman, as they endeavored to win her affection.

Two adorable grey kittens named Cyrus and Nova were rescued by the volunteer-based cat rescue organization, Saving Stevie, in Nashville, Tennessee. These little felines had a wobbly gait, and they loved to cuddle. They belonged to a litter of four that was born to a stray cat in a rural area and took refuge in a family’s barn. Brianna Barker, one of the foster volunteers of the rescue, disclosed that it was apparent from the beginning that Cyrus and Nova had developmental differences from their other two siblings. Since the finders realized that the kittens needed special care to survive, they contacted Saving Stevie, which readily welcomed them and promptly arranged for foster homes.

Cyrus and Nova are two adorable kittens who share a common condition called Cerebellar Hypoplasia (CH) which is a non-progressive and painless neurological issue. According to Saving Stevie, this ailment usually occurs when the mother cat contracts panleukopenia while pregnant, and it passes on to the unborn kittens. Brianna was contacted to foster Cyrus and Nova, who were born with CH, while another volunteer took in their siblings. Brianna felt privileged to take care of the wobbly duo as they were her first special-needs foster kittens, and she appreciated the trust that Saving Stevie placed in her.

Upon collection, the siblings were slightly apprehensive, however, after a smooth ride and a settling in period, Cyrus and Nova grew at ease and felt secure. The duo adjusted quickly to their new, comfortable indoor lifestyle. They embraced every day with enthusiasm and refused to let anything hinder their fun. Even if they took a fall, they promptly bounced back up and continued moving forward like seasoned pros.

Cyrus is a lively and playful character who loves to cause a bit of mischief. Whenever he’s around people, his energy levels skyrocket and he can’t help but seek out attention and playtime. Brianna, who shared Cyrus’ story with Love Meow, describes how his head bobbles in typical CH fashion as soon as he sees people, and he’ll start scooting over to them in excitement. This little guy has never met a stranger and adores being held, often purring loudly to show his appreciation.

Cyrus has found a unique way to move quickly by hopping. He is a cheerful little kitten who always seems to be in a good mood. Meanwhile, Nova is a kind and gentle cat who loves being close to her humans. She finds comfort in being held, pampered, and rocked to sleep. Nova is known for being the affectionate one in the house and never fails to live up to that reputation.

Right from the start, Cyrus and Nova showed a determination to develop, gain knowledge, and have fun. They remain unaware of any differences they may have. When they arrived in foster care, they adapted seamlessly and felt as though they had always been a part of the family.

These furry creatures seek attention and affection from their owners. They enjoy playing as if each moment is their last. When picked up, they often curl into a ball and cherish every second with their human companions. Brianna, who created a special space for them to thrive in, knew she wanted to keep them forever when she saw how comfortable and happy they were with her. These adorable beings have truly captured her heart.

A few days back, Brianna welcomed Cyrus and Nova into her home permanently after they graduated from foster care. Saving Stevie expressed confidence that the feline duo would receive ample love and care throughout their lives.

Spread the word about this amazing tale to your pals.
Origin: lovemeow.com

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