“Embracing Empowerment: Janelle Brown’s Summer of Independence and Resilience”

Janelle Brown recently shared a message on social media, urging her followers to embrace new experiences and adopt an open attitude of learning and vulnerability. Having separated from her former husband Kody Brown in the previous year, Janelle is now focused on establishing her own independent identity.
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Janelle Brown, the star of Sister Wives, shared a video on Instagram on Wednesday where she could be seen setting up her RV with her son Gabe, who is 22 years old. In the video, Janelle stated that they were learning about power adapters and how to connect their trailer to a power source. She also acknowledged that experienced RVers might find it funny, but she was determined to figure things out without feeling defeated. In the caption, Janelle emphasized the importance of not being afraid to try new things and start from the basics. She also revealed that she has a perfectionist side that sometimes holds her back. In related news, Janelle recently confirmed her split from Kody Brown and expressed optimism about the future, saying “2023 is my year.”
Sister Wives': Why Janelle Isn't Spending the Summer in the RV — 'Savanah  Really Struggled'
Janelle recently revealed that she has learned to embrace her vulnerability and accept the learning process involved in trying new things. She reminds herself that everyone starts somewhere and that it’s okay to be coachable, teachable, and curious. While she may not be an expert yet, she’s willing to put in the work to get there. Janelle’s post comes after announcing her plans to manage her trailer as an independent woman, and she encourages her followers to stay tuned for updates.
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In a recent post, Janelle jokingly mentioned that at least the trailer this time has hookups. She also revealed that living in a trailer has always been something she wanted to do. This isn’t the first time she has stayed in the trailer, as it was a temporary home for her while the Sister Wives stars planned their home builds on Brown family’s Coyote Pass property in Flagstaff, Arizona. Janelle loved living on the land and has decided to do it again next spring. However, she skipped the trailer altogether in 2022 due to her daughter Savanah’s reluctance. According to Janelle, Savanah found it challenging to live in the RV last year and couldn’t do it again this year as she is going into her senior year. To stay informed about the latest news and stories, sign up for PEOPLE’s free daily newsletter.

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