“Dad, You’re Not a Real Man”: Paedon Brown’s Heartbreaking Words

Towards the end of last week, Paedon Brown, who is the 24-year-old offspring of Christine and Kody Brown, made a straightforward and explicit attack on his notorious father through TikTok.

Paedon made a statement on a public platform, stating that a king or man of the house who has to declare their title is not a true ruler or head. It is believed that Paedon was referring to Kody’s comment on the recent Sister Wives Season 17 premiere. During the episode, Kody expressed that he did not feel like the “man of the house” because his wives were not complying with his COVID-19 guidelines. Kody mentioned that he and his sister wives had agreed that he would be the head of the household when they all got married.

The initial episode of Sister Wives Season 17 features an intense stare-down between Kody Brown and Christine. In the following scenes, Paedon expresses his admiration for his mother, who took a significant step last November by leaving Kody and returning to her home state of Utah. According to Paedon’s TikTok video, he and his siblings frequently praise her for being a strong and self-reliant woman. People often approach him and remark on his mother’s strength, to which he responds that she does not merely claim to be strong and independent—she genuinely embodies those qualities.

Official images sponsored by TLC confirm that Christine Brown and Kody Brown are no longer together. The couple’s son, Paedon, has been vocal about supporting his mother while criticizing his father. During a podcast in March, Paedon expressed his happiness that his mother walked away from an unhealthy situation after nearly 30 years of working on the marriage. According to Paedon, the marriage was rocky from the beginning, and the final straw was when Kody told Christine that he didn’t want to be intimate with her anymore.

brown, paedon

In previous instances, Paedon has openly acknowledged that he and Kody are not very close. The most recent episode of Sister Wives depicted a strong-willed Christine holding her own during a difficult discussion with her separated spouse.

Christine Brown is in a contemplative state these days. The image captures a moment from the second season of Sister Wives, which is now in its seventeenth season. During an on-air conversation, Christine expressed her belief that leaving the family would be the best thing for everyone involved. She admitted to feeling more sadness than she initially anticipated and tried to find happiness wherever possible. However, she acknowledged that polygamy can be very challenging.