Building Trust with a Frightened Feline: A Volunteer’s Journey with a Mother Cat and Her Seven Kittens

A timid feline arrived at a shelter accompanied by her litter of kittens, seeking a fresh beginning.

cat mom nursing kittens

The Brisbane-based cat rescue organization, Best Friends Felines, was contacted by one of their supportive veterinarians regarding a family of felines that needed assistance. A mother cat and her litter of seven kittens, who were just over a week old, were brought into their care. The rescue expressed their surprise at the petite mother’s ability to bear seven little ones. Jen, a foster volunteer, came forward to provide assistance and opened up her heart and home to the family of eight.

cat mom kittens

The cat known as Phyllis showed signs of unease around humans, with a cautious gaze that indicated a lack of trust. However, Jen was determined to earn her trust and help her relax, even if it would take some time.
To ensure their comfort, Phyllis and her kittens were placed in a snug and peaceful area where they could have peace and privacy while still being monitored by the foster family.

shy cat kittens

Upon arriving at foster care with Best Friends Felines, she was quite timid. However, her skills as a mother were undeniable as she took on the responsibility of caring for her seven little ones. Despite only leaving her bed to nourish and relieve herself, she managed to keep them all fed and clean. It wasn’t until a week later that they made a significant breakthrough by discovering Phyllis’ favorite treat. Jen began hand-feeding Phyllis in an effort to gradually build trust and strengthen their relationship.

tiny cat phyllis

According to @bestfriendsfelines, spending time with Phyllis has improved her social skills. Although she still has some moments of hissing, the best feeling is when she purrs and gives occasional smooches. Additionally, Phyllis is happy to have regular meals four times a day, allowing her to keep up with her seven demanding pups. She no longer has to worry about where her next meal will come from and gobbles down every bite with enthusiasm.

cat mom nursing kittens phyllis

@bestfriendsfelines shared that Phyllis rarely gets a break from taking care of her numerous babies, as there is always at least one awake. However, thanks to the support of Jen, Phyllis has become more at ease around others and has started to take breaks from her babies as they become more active and curious.

kittens weaning mealtime

As soon as the kittens were old enough to stop nursing, they transformed into lively, self-reliant creatures full of energy, displaying their mastery of using litter trays. While they merrily frolicked around their play area, climbing on everything in sight, Phyllis observed them from the sidelines. As a result of having more free time, Phyllis joined in the fun of playing with the kittens and also enjoyed the entertainment of observing the captivating “bird TV.”

sweet cat mom phyllis

According to Jen from @bestfriendsfelines, Phyllis has recently developed a love for playing. She enjoys toys, climbing posts, treats, and zooming around the house. Having a variety of toys brings her joy as she pounces, bats, and tackles them in the most adorable way. Phyllis’ confidence has grown, and she now plays like a kitten once more. She will no longer be a mother and can finally relish being the cat she’s always wanted to be.

kittens cuddle puddle snuggling

As the kittens grew, they were adopted one at a time into loving homes. Meanwhile, Phyllis kept herself busy observing the ins-and-outs of household life. Her curious nature often led her to the kitchen where she’d supervise and offer her own opinions, all the while hoping for a chance to indulge in a snack. Phyllis remained patient, waiting for the perfect family to come along.

sweet cat big eyes

According to Jen from @bestfriendsfelines, the cat they rescued named Phyllis is quite a chatterbox and has the most adorable meows while exploring the house. She was brought to their care with her seven cute little kittens and gradually adapted to domestic life, anticipating the arrival of her forever home.

sweet cat phyllis

Best Friends Felines shared a heartwarming story about Amelia and Phyllis. When Amelia met Phyllis, she immediately saw beyond her shyness and recognized her yearning for love. Moved by this, Amelia welcomed Phyllis into her home and eventually adopted her as a permanent member of the family. Amelia believes that with patience and care, Phyllis will soon transform into a loving and affectionate cat.

sleeping cat tabby grey