“An Unlikely Friendship: Siberian Husky Rescues Dying Kitten and Forms an Unbreakable Bond”

(Courtesy of Lilo the Husky)

There is a unique and heartwarming bond that has developed between a Siberian husky and a kitten in San Jose for nearly seven years now. Their connection has grown from a maternal one to an unbreakable friendship that they cherish dearly.

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Rosie, a beautiful long-haired mixed-breed cat, was discovered by Thi Bui, co-founder of the nonprofit kitten rescue Mini Cat Town, when she was only 2 1/2 weeks old. Rosie was found on the streets of San Jose, sick and extremely malnourished. Thi was near their adoption center at the time and quickly took Rosie under her wing to nurse her back to health. Rosie was in such a bad condition that she almost didn’t survive the first night despite being cared for around the clock. Lilothehusky, commenting on Instagram, shared that Rosie was very lethargic and limp.
Thi made the decision to introduce Rosie to Lilo, their Siberian Husky. The two animals started cuddling, and Rosie was lucky to start suckling on Lilo. Lilo immediately took on the role of a mother, and since their introduction, she has shown nothing but interest in getting to know Rosie better. Lilo is a strong-willed dog with a big heart and loves spending time with Rosie.

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Thi, the owner of Lilo and Rosie, shared with The Epoch Times that Lilo exhibited a tender and caring attitude towards Rosie after they were introduced. Thi revealed that Lilo would diligently clean Rosie after meals and even allowed her to nurse, despite not producing any milk. After a few weeks of receiving Lilo’s affection, Rosie made a full recovery and was eventually harnessed for her first walk with the dogs. It became clear over the following months that Lilo and Rosie had become inseparable, prompting Thi to decide to adopt Rosie herself. Thi firmly believed that separating the two dogs would have been cruel, and so on National French Fry Day in June 2015, she officially announced Rosie’s adoption.

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During the past few years, Rosie has developed a distinct personality. Thi describes this 7-year-old feline as sassy, curious, and intelligent. When Rosie is unhappy with something, she doesn’t hesitate to communicate her displeasure through a warning bite or paw swipe. Additionally, Rosie dislikes being left behind and will express her dissatisfaction vocally if Thi and their family leave her at home. Meanwhile, Lilo, who is now 9 years old, and Rosie have formed their own little group and prefer not to interact with other animals in the household. The two cats enjoy spending time together, whether it’s napping side by side or engaging in outdoor activities such as hiking, kayaking, paddleboarding, or car rides with their heads out the window.

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The kitty cuddler who is an expert in her field, also shares the incredible and unusual friendship between Lilo and Rosie, and their everyday experiences on Instagram. She firmly believes that their strong bond has the potential to make a significant impact in many lives.

Thanks to their special relationship, over 1,200 rescue kittens have been saved at Mini Cat Town. In fact, they’re currently getting ready to open a second adoption floor in the Bay area. Thi expresses gratitude and humility for the support and care shown towards Lilo, Rosie and all of the rescue kittens at Mini Cat Town.

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