“An Unforgettable Reunion: A Resilient Feline with No Ears and Half a Tail Finds its Way Back to its Owner after Years of Being a Stray”

Shauna Solberg from Kanab, Utah, visited the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary with her daughters to see the abandoned animals and possibly lend a helping hand. She didn’t plan on taking any of them home as they already had two cats and a dog living in their house. However, fate had other plans. At the shelter, Shauna came across a 12-year-old cat named Oscar who appeared to have been in multiple fights with dogs and other cats. The large white cat had a severe appearance and was missing both ears and half of its tail, indicating a tough life on the streets.

Last year, Oscar was discovered wandering on Kanaba Street, and this year, no one wanted to take him home due to his old age and unkempt appearance. Shelter worker Daniel Barnhart disclosed that Oscar had a severe back infection upon arrival, which resembled wet yeast and spread throughout his back and ears. Sadly, cancer also affected his ears, resulting in their prompt removal. Even after his recovery, many visitors, particularly children, felt uneasy around Oscar, causing them to refuse taking him home. Nonetheless, according to Danielle, Oscar was an exceptionally gentle and affectionate cat who loves cuddles. He would lay his paws on your neck while resting his big head against you for hours on end.

Upon arriving at the shelter, Shauna Solberg and her two daughters were immediately drawn to Oscar, a cat who was being gently cradled by one of the volunteers. They were impressed by how loyal and sweet he was. As they learned more about his backstory, their affection for him grew even stronger. Despite her initial hesitation, Shauna couldn’t shake the thought of taking the lovable feline home with her. Her daughter playfully reminded her of their policy against adopting more pets, but it was clear that Oscar had already won their hearts and a new home was in his future.

Shauna met with the animal coordinator at the shelter on the same day and was informed about Oscar’s health condition. Unfortunately, the news wasn’t great as he had small tumors in his lungs that could potentially grow in the future. Despite this, Shauna did not give up on him and decided to take him home, even if it was only for a short time. She consulted with her daughters, who also agreed to bring Oscar home with them. As a result, he came home with a bag of medication to help him feel better.

Shauna held the cat close as they made their way back home, enjoying the sound of his loud purring. Upon entering the house, the friendly feline quickly made friends with other pets in the household, including a dog and other cats. Throughout the day, he lounged in the living room before eagerly greeting Shauna and her daughters when they returned from work. They lovingly fed him and administered his medication, spending the evening cuddling and petting their beloved new companion.

Shauna admits that she initially resisted the idea of bringing new cats into their home, but now she cannot imagine their lives without their adorable earless male feline.

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