“An Unconventional Love Story: 8 Clues that Hint Towards Kody Brown Rekindling His Romance with Former Sister Wives”

Despite Kody Brown losing three of his wives, there is a possibility that the star of Sister Wives might have a change of heart and try to reconcile with the women he previously rejected.

kody brown with exes and robyn sister wives

Kody Brown, known for his show Sister Wives, is currently living with only one wife and may be attempting to win back the affection of the wives he hurt in the past. The father of 18 has struggled to balance his time between Meri, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn Brown, often showing favoritism. However, if Kody truly changes his ways, he may be able to improve his relationships with his wives. While Kody once loved the idea of a large, polygamous family, he became disillusioned with the Mormon religion over time. Sister Wives premiered in 2010 and was one of the first shows to follow a plural family, introducing viewers to the unique dynamics of the Brown family. Although the four wives and Kody initially appeared to get along, their grand plan eventually began to crumble. Nonetheless, some of Kody’s children are beginning to come around.

Sister Wives' Gwen Brown and Kody Brown looking shocked and serious

Janelle Brown’s children are currently not speaking with their father due to a disagreement over his strict COVID-19 rules, but Christine Brown’s daughters are making small efforts to connect with him. On Father’s Day, Gwen and Ysabel Brown shared a positive message and photo with Kody, noting their love for their father. Janelle has yet to move out of Arizona, despite her recent separation from Kody and plans to live in her RV for another summer. It’s uncertain if Janelle will move, but Kody may be trying to reconcile. All four wives will be featured on the upcoming season of Sister Wives.

sister wives montage kody robyn meri looking intense

Legally, Kody Brown is only married to one wife at the moment, Robyn. However, spiritually, all of his three other wives, including Christine, have left their toxic marriage and chosen not to be his spiritual wives anymore. Despite the ongoing turmoil in their family, all four wives have agreed to continue filming for the next season of Sister Wives, a decision they made back in 2010. Christine and her fiance David Woolley will be filmed from their home in Utah, while Meri, who now runs a bed and breakfast, will also allow cameras to capture her daily life. Although the first few episodes may be filled with negative emotions, Kody has an opportunity to apologize and make amends. Interestingly, Meri has not changed her social media status to reflect the end of her relationship with Kody, indicating that the chemistry between them can be rebuilt if they work hard enough. It is important to note that Kody is still recognized as being married to all his four wives in the church’s eyes.

Side by side images of Sister Wives star Kody Brown with two serious expressions

Kody and his four Sister Wives were once members of the Apostolic United Brethren, a branch of Mormonism. While Kody has one legal marriage, his other unions were considered spiritual within their church. Although Meri, Janelle, and Christine have broken away from their vows, Kody may not be considered divorced in the eyes of their religion. According to Robyn, the wives must consummate with a new partner before the divorce is final. While Christine has moved on, Meri and Janelle have not, leaving a possibility for Kody to reconcile with them.

The separation between Kody and his multiple spouses caused significant strife, and it cannot be denied that their relationships were damaged. Nonetheless, there is a slim chance that, after spending time apart, the former couples may attempt to rekindle their romance. The breakup allowed for some much-needed space and the opportunity to reflect on their situation.

It appears that Kody has not fully let go of his Sister Wives, despite the rocky road they have traveled.

Side by side images of Kody Brown from Sister Wives

In the most recent installment of Sister Wives, Kody expressed that he is not yet ready to move on from his relationships with Christine, Janelle, and Meri. The head of the family displayed several emotional outbursts in response to the idea of being left behind and even admitted to feeling caught off-guard by the situation. These intense reactions suggest that Kody still has deep feelings for his ex-wives and may be struggling to relinquish his sense of control over their lives.

Sister Wives' Meri Brown looking off screen and Kody Brown looking straight ahead

The relationships between the Sister Wives are heavily influenced by control, with Kody being the one who feels entitled to instruct his wives on what to do. Even though most couples would part ways after a split, Kody has been making an effort to involve himself in each of his wives’ lives. Specifically, he has been interfering in Christine’s new life, attempting to dictate how she should raise their child as a way of initiating a dialogue with her. It may seem unlikely, but if Kody puts in the effort, he could potentially reap the rewards.