“A Tale of Canine Resilience: The Inspirational Bond Between a Handicapped Pup and Her Devoted Human”

Putol, a charming canine who was abandoned and left for dead, has learned to walk and run on her two front legs. Despite being born with only her front limbs, Putol refused to let her disability prevent her from moving forward. In an adorable video, the six-year-old dog can be observed dashing at an impressive pace using her two front paws, all thanks to her compassionate owner, Danilo Codilego Jr. The name Putol, which translates to “chopped” in the Tagalog language of the Luzon region of the Philippines, is now a familiar sight as she runs alongside other dogs and explores the streets and alleys of the Casiguran neighborhood in Quezon City.

Take a moment to consider the situation of this unfortunate dog, who has been given the unfortunate nickname “chopped”. Although the name is both insensitive and affectionate, the puppy is cherished in the community for her bravery and zest for life. Danilo, a local truck driver, recounts how he first met her six years ago while working at a bakery. One day, a coworker brought in four puppies for sale at the price of 5000 pesos (£115/$151) each. While the other pups found homes quickly, no one wanted to take in Putol, the pitiful two-legged pup.

It can be irritating to hear such a comment. Danilo kept going and mentioned that nobody had high expectations for her survival. But, I was the only one who dared to look after her. It was a challenging task, but we did it out of sympathy. “Putol” was the only name that crossed our minds. Seriously? What about “Molly,” “Coco,” or “Willow?” I can easily suggest three alternative names off the top of my head, my friend.

Putol faced a difficulty during her early years as she couldn’t walk. Nonetheless, she overcame this obstacle and started to walk by balancing herself on her front paws. Presently, she’s responsible for looking after her owner’s property and keeping him safe from any potential danger. Danilo, Putol’s owner, admitted that she behaves like a guard dog and warns him through loud barking when a stranger is approaching. Moreover, she displays jealousy towards other dogs when Danilo gives them attention. Nevertheless, Putol is still regarded as a welcoming and esteemed member of the neighborhood.

It’s no hassle for me to head out to work as my furry companion is well taken care of by all at home. The best part is that she is not a fussy eater and relishes the same meals we do. Although she cannot have offspring due to her medical condition, it doesn’t bother her much as she’s got a lot on her plate- reveling in the joys of life!

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