A Cat’s Palace: How a Woman Constructed a Regal Castle Using Cardboard for Her Feline Majesty

We all know that cats love to play in cardboard boxes. But Frances Ratner from New Zealand has taken it up a notch. She adores her 6-month old kitty so much, she decided to give her a regal name – Prince Peachblossom.


Ratner shares his heartwarming tale of adopting his regal feline friend. He explains that there is a mountain close to his home which boasts a beautiful lake at its peak. The lake is said to have a rare lotus flower that only blooms once in a century. Intrigued by this legend, Ratner made the arduous trek up the mountain and patiently waited for three days and nights until the auspicious moment arrived. On the third night, a moonbeam illuminated the lotus bud, causing it to burst open and reveal Peach, a charming and fluffy kitten. Without hesitation, Ratner brought Peach back home where he has lovingly cared for him ever since.


A feline’s owner recently relocated to a different abode, and with an abundance of cardboard boxes left over, she decided to create something special for her furry companion. She fashioned an impressive cardboard castle fit for a regal cat, complete with all the necessary amenities.


Initially, the plan was to simply pile up some boxes and cut openings for the kitten to have fun in. However, as she began the task, her perfectionist tendencies kicked in and she became determined to create a truly magnificent play space fit for royalty. She added extra layers of cardboard to the bridges to ensure they could handle the kitten’s weight without collapsing. Luckily, the kitten only weighed around 2 kilograms, so it wasn’t too difficult to make it sturdy and safe.




It took approximately five and a half hours to construct the palace. However, Prince didn’t show much interest in his new playhouse at first. After a while, he gradually started to become fond of it. Initially, he only played with it for a brief ten minutes. But, with some persuasion using toys and treats, he began to enjoy it more. In fact, the other day, his owner caught him napping on the balcony.


According to Ratner, who happens to be a photographer, her love for creating visually appealing things inspired her to come up with this unique piece. She expressed how she cannot sit idle and always needs to engage her mind and hands in some form of art, including crocheting, embroidery, or baking beautifully decorated cupcakes. However, on the day in question, she had boxes at her disposal, so she decided to get creative with them.



Ratner’s affection for her cherished pet, Prince Peachblossom, goes beyond just finding pleasure in taking care of him. She expressed that her furry companion is the source of her happiness and every encounter with him enriches her character. Ratner even went as far as saying that individuals who do not have an attachment to animals lack an essential component of humanity.


This unique castle was built with great affection. What’s even better is that there is nothing else like it. Don’t forget to show this to your friends! (credits to: iheartcats)

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