A Canine’s Unwavering Devotion: Even with a Leg Injury, Mama Dog Carries Her 13 Pups to the Safest Hideaway

The Stray Rescue of St. Louis came across a dog with an injured foot and decided to rescue it. However, they soon realized that the dog was a new mother as she had milk. This gave them the indication that her puppies were somewhere around and they had to find them as soon as possible. The rescuers acted swiftly and began their search.


The rescuers immediately headed towards the thicket where the mother dog resided, hoping to find her litter of puppies. With branches and foliage blocking their way, the team carefully cleared a path until they finally stumbled upon a small den that served as a sanctuary. The den was not only home to a few little pups, but an astonishing THIRTEEN! The mother had done an excellent job of concealing them to protect them from harm and the elements.
The rescuers approached the puppies with utmost care, picking up each one separately and placing them in a container before transporting them and their mother back to the rescue center where they received the necessary medical attention.


The mother dog is scheduled for surgery on her wounded leg, while her litter of puppies will also be undergoing spaying and neutering procedures. As soon as the pups reach an appropriate age, they will be made available for adoption to loving homes.


Currently, the organization known as Stray Rescue of St. Louis is seeking individuals or families who are willing to become foster parents for puppies. They provide educational classes and additional details can be found on their website, accessible by clicking on the provided link.


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