“A Canine with a Unique Physique Finds the Perfect Home with a Loving Family”

Despite being born with a rare birth defect in a puppy mill, Cooper is thriving in his loving home. This one-of-a-kind American foxhound has “short spine syndrome,” a genetic condition that fuses and compresses his vertebrae, resulting in a neckless appearance. Only 30 dogs in the world have this condition, making Cooper even more unique. Despite his differences, Cooper found his perfect match with his devoted owner Elly Keegan. She explained that he has to turn his entire body to look behind him due to the fused vertebrae in his neck and rear. Every dog, regardless of their appearance, deserves a loving home, and Cooper proves that he’s just as deserving as any other pup.

This adorable pooch had a tough beginning. It’s believed that he was born in a puppy mill in Halifax, Virginia and was ditched because of his unique birth defect. It’s unfortunate that he may have been victim to inbreeding at the mill, resulting in his disability. The compassionate team at Secondhand Hounds found this pup in 2017 and took him under their care at their shelter in Minnetonka, Minnesota. However, the first family he was placed with had cats, and he couldn’t resist chasing them, so that match didn’t work out.

Cooper was fortunate to find his forever home with Elly Keegan and her family after facing possible euthanasia due to his unique appearance and disability. Elly’s compassion for differently-abled pups led her to take in Cooper, who required medical attention. Despite the challenges, Elly had the support of Secondhand Hounds and remained dedicated to giving Cooper the love and care he needed. Unfortunately, Cooper faced some medical setbacks early on, including a neck fracture and a bone infection.

Cooper may have a birth defect that affects his mobility, but there have been some positive changes in his condition. According to Elly, he used to have difficulties going to the bathroom due to having his “butt on his back,” but surgery has made it easier for him to do so independently. Despite these challenges, Cooper maintains a joyful demeanor and is a beloved presence to those around him.

Elly shared with Daily Mail that wherever Cooper goes, he becomes the center of attention, which he seems to thoroughly enjoy. With a significant number of fans on Facebook, it’s clear that Cooper is loved by many. Despite his unique appearance, Cooper is an incredibly friendly dog who deserves the same love and care as any other furry friend. We’re thrilled that he has finally found a loving home where he can be accepted for who he is. Let’s take a moment to show Cooper some love and send positive thoughts his way.