A Mother Dog’s Remarkable Act of Love: Carrying Her 13 Puppies to Safety Despite a Broken Leg

During their rounds, the Roaming Rescue of St. Louis stumbled upon a dog with a hurt paw. They naturally intended on saving the poor pup, but little did they know that they were about to embark on a much bigger rescue mission. Upon closer inspection, they discovered that the dog had milk, which meant she was a new mother with puppies somewhere nearby. The rescuers knew that they had to act fast and search for the litter.

The rescuers immediately headed towards the thick shrubs where the mother dog was hiding, hoping to locate her puppies. They carefully pushed aside the branches and crawled towards the shrubs until they stumbled upon a small den. To their surprise, there were not just a few puppies, but a total of thirteen adorable little pups! The mother had done an amazing job of keeping her babies hidden and safe in a secure opening in the ground. The team gently placed each puppy into a container before returning with both the puppies and their mother to their rescue center to receive the necessary medical attention and care.

The mom dog is set to have an operation on her hurt leg, while all the puppies will be spayed or neutered and eventually put up for adoption when they reach the right age. Stray Rescue of St. Louis is currently looking for individuals or families who can foster these young pups. They offer classes and additional details on their website, which you can access by clicking this link.