“A Pooch’s Tale of Enduring the Unimaginable: Overcoming Countless Hardships and Struggles”


Eeyore, an innocent creature, is going through the toughest phase of his life, enduring numerous physical and health issues. He’s currently experiencing open wounds, severe mange, and excessive bleeding, making his situation even more miserable. Adding to his misfortune, he has recently been diagnosed with the fatal canine parvovirus (parvo). Let’s keep our fingers crossed and say a prayer for Eeyore’s speedy recovery.


There’s something about him that makes you feel like you’re melting him by simply placing your hand on him. All he craves is love and affection, but it seems like such a rare commodity in our society. He’ll never experience anything beyond that yearning for connectedness. It breaks your heart to see those sorrowful eyes staring back at you.


On June 6th, we received some great news – Eeyore has successfully fought off the parvo virus and is now back to his old self! He was overjoyed to finally be able to enjoy the sunshine again, but his main focus was showering his nurse, Kristin, with lots of kisses. Although he’s still dealing with some itchiness and scabbing, we’re already seeing signs of improvement.




On the 10th of June, Eeyore was looking great and feeling proud as he showed off his prayer blanket. He expressed his gratitude to everyone for their outstanding support, prayers, and contributions. It just goes to show that love truly has the power to heal!




JUNE 19:
Wow, it’s only been a week and Eeyore looks incredible! His coat is shining and his skin is so healthy. He’s enjoying his new home and thriving.


On June 23rd, I came across a dog that caught my attention. I couldn’t help but wonder who this adorable creature was. Its fur was stunningly white and absolutely beautiful. My excitement got the best of me as I exclaimed, “Omg!”


On the 19th of July, we’re making great strides towards achieving the most amazing transformation for Eeyore. Although he’s still in the process of growing his new coat, just take a look at how shiny he is! It’s safe to say that he’s definitely on cloud nine.




On the 12th of December, our brave little Eeyore was greeted by a stunning winter landscape in Ohio. With his warm coat on, he’s now free to frolic and play in the snow! It warms my heart to see how far he’s come, never giving up despite the odds.



eeyore now so cute


Stray Rescue of St. Louis is a non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing stray animals in the city of St. Louis. They provide medical attention, rehabilitation, shelter, and adoption services for dogs and cats that are homeless and in need of loving homes. Their mission is to end animal abuse and neglect in the community by educating the public on responsible pet ownership and advocating for animal rights.


Stray Rescue of St. Louis is a non-profit group devoted to saving stray animals in St. Louis. Their services include medical care, recovery, refuge, and placement for homeless dogs and cats. Stray Rescue aims to put an end to animal mistreatment and disregard by instructing the community on how to properly care for pets and advocating for animal rights.

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